BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT LAYOUT PLANNING .....................................
Planning a successful business environment layout demands clear strategies and psychological sensitivity. Adeptly weaving both threads together creates optimal business environments. Be it in the sense of achieving efficient space usage and functionality or in the sense of promoting the co-workers´ motivation, IMP Management unites clear, optimised space usage with a capacity for taking the human factor into account.
Smart solutions in business environment layout plans play a vital role within the framework of comprehensive space management.
The actual structural conditions of a given real estate define the real limits to which any construction, construction draft or remodelling project can be taken. Every business environment layout plan - depending on the type of construction work to be carried out (reconstruction, new construction or remodelling) - requires more or less extensive As-Is Status analyses in both the fields of human resources (team members and their workplaces) and in the corresponding organisational structures (such as departments) and surfaces. They all require just as precise a Needs assessment effort. The results of the resulting analyses will then be aligned and applied to the pertinent surfaces.
What really constitutes the company, however, cannot be expressed only in numerical parameters and requirement figures. Anyone who wishes to install a sensible business environment layout should effect an in-depth analysis of the target company's hierarchy and its corresponding communication patterns. An efficient, plausible and humanely acceptable environment layout can only be achieved when taking full account of human factors and communication flows.
In this way, a business environment layout plan will take into consideration all As-Is figures, target numbers and analytical conclusions. IMP Management will come up with a business environment layout plan that will perfectly accommodate structural, corporate and human factors.

Business Environment Layout
Graphs: Examples

Graphs: Examples (PDF)